Sample of Direct Mail

Written on the Envelope:

Fancy a cuppa? 

Free cup of tea inside

Inside the Envelope:

(Inside the envelope will be a teabag and maybe a powdered milk sachet. There will be 2 pieces of paper. One will be the sales letter and the other an advert about the company to whom I have sent the letter. The aim being to persuade the company to hire me as a copywriter. Here I will only include the copy of the sales letter and not the advert).


Copy with a cuppa?

Dear Mr Wyatt,

At Tritility Ltd ‘People come first,’ so take a moment for yourself. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your free cup of tea, whilst reading the creative copy of your next marketing campaign. If you like what you see, then Cal could be the copywriter for you and Tritility Ltd (see attached leaflet). 

Who is Cal?

Cal is a creative copywriter who brings new and exciting ideas to the fore for businesses just like yours. Cal will help you to create content, which is easy to understand, clear and concise for your market audience. 

Which platforms can Cal write for?

Cal can write for different audiences over a range of platforms including web (with an understanding of the principles of SEO), social media, email and direct mail, as well as creating content for brochures, leaflets and other marketing assets. 

Does Cal produce quality?

All of the copy produced by Cal is edited and proofread to the highest standard of accuracy. She creates content to make the audience think and respond. Cal highlights the benefits of working with you, what you do and how you support your clients and customers. She outlines the values of your organisation, using your company tone of voice. Cal speaks to your audience at their level, on your terms, in her words. 

I don’t know Cal – how can I trust her?

Trust what you see. Look at the piece of marketing material included with this letter. Cal knows Tritility and can speak to your customers and clients in a language they understand and relate to. I know this is important to you and your business.

Cal has previously been employed by other companies that have recognised and valued her contributions. 

“At Soccarena, we have used Cal’s copywriting expertise on numerous occasions. Her copy is always eye catching and engages with our audience. We are very happy with the results her copy has produced.” Trevor Smith, Football Manager, Soccarena, Durham.

Can I afford Cal?
Rates will depend on the quantity of copy required for a particular project and the turnaround timescale. 

Cal works quickly and never misses a deadline. She produces high quality copy, which gets results. She can work on more than one project at a time for you and so will be able to produce multiple amounts of content. 

Is Cal available?

Yes, but Cal is only taking new clients until the end of this week. 

Book a call with Cal today to discuss your copywriting requirements. 

07585 487700 or email

P.S If you book a copywriting project with Cal before the end of the week, you will get 50% off the normal copywriting rate for this first assignment. Offer ends 5pm Friday. 

I hope you enjoyed your tea.

Let’s do it again soon. 

Kind Regards

Cal Smith
