From Here to There

Transitioning Career

So, there I was, a primary school teacher looking for a way out of the profession.

Transitioning career out of teaching can be very difficult. I have spoken to a number of teachers who have wanted to leave education, but don't know what else to do because they have never left the education system. Some teachers I spoke to have actually made it out of teaching, only to return after a few months because they didn't know how to successfully market their transferable skills. 

Many of us don't realise what their transferable skills are. If you would like more information about the skills of a teacher which can be applied in the corporate world visit:

I realised that copywriting is where I would find the best fit for my skills, so I started researching. What is a copywriter? What do they do? And most importantly, how do I become one?

At first, when I saw what copywriters do, I panicked.

How on earth will I be able to do that when all I have ever known is the inside of the classroom?

Consequently, I signed up for copywriting courses. The more I learned, the more I realised that none of this is new to me.

I need to write concisely so that customers and clients understand what is being said. 

I already do that every day with the little people sitting in front of me.

I need to have excellent grammar and punctuation - of course, this is something I have been drilling into my students for the last 20 years.

I need to proof-read my writing. Well, that’s just marking. 

Got it!

Play with words, have fun, be creative, be clever and witty or sensible and serious. Grab the reader’s attention with a heading or a hook.

This sounds like the new dream job.

So how do I get from here (the teacher) to there (the successful copywriter)?

Having identified my transferable skills the first thing to do will be to create a CV which highlights these skills. 

Complete my copywriting course:

Then I need my online presence:





Create my portfolio (to see my portfolio click on the button at the bottom of this page). 

And finally apply for jobs. I am available for employment for a business and be a copywriter on their team. I am also available for freelance copywriting work where I can support you and your business with all your copy needs. 


To make an enquiry please send me an email: